Anthony was one of the coolest and most caring people that I have ever met.
When I first met him, he was a customer of mine at the Rusty Dory, and he
struck me as being very wise for his youth. He knew how to make everybody
laugh, but he also respected the important things in life like family, good
friends and hard work. When I told him that my son was joining North
Hills Youth Football, he laughed and warned me of Coach Mo whom he
was related to. He told me stories of how he hated practice and loved
the games, and now, while I suit my son up for practice or for a game,
I imagine how his mother lovingly was doing the same thing for little
Anthony about 10-12 years ago. I remember the times that he liked to
embarrass his friend Phil and tell me that Phil thought I was "hot". I
remember how shy he was when it came to girls. Jeremiah would threaten
to go "talk" to a girl that Anthony thought was attractive, and he would
be mortified, and beg Jeres not to. He was such a fun, and intelligent co-
worker. I loved working the bar with him. I told him that once, and he
didn't believe me, but I was being truthful. He was so much to us in the
brief period that we were graced with his presence. God Bless Anthony Duffie
Amie L. Gorman