Anth shared the absolute best and the absolute worst times of my life with
me. He saw me at my lowest lows and didn't judge me, but still loved me
for who I am. Anth was my brother, and I am so hurt that I will never
get that again. I hope he knows how much I truly loved having him in my
life. Anth and I fought like brother and sister but it was so worth it when
we made up. All the "I love yous" and "I'm sorrys" and then explaining
our points to each other strengthened our relationship and allowed each
of us to grow as individuals.
One of the greatest things was having Anth there on the holidays because
I never had siblings to share that with and it was AWESOME!
Anth and I spent many late nights watching TV, movies,
playing play station, board games, talking, drinking,
and of course cuttin' up on each
other. It's hard to pick my favorite memory because
Anth was "A Special Moment Machine."
My favorite memories:
- All nighters
- The Butt Dance
- Belgium Waffles
- Wiggling Lobes
- Playing with my feet
- Telling secrets
- Making me food
- Putting my name in every song
- Drawing on my face
- PS II all night and day
- Making videos of us talking
- Joking around 24/7
- Backgammon and Liquor
- Feeling like I was so special
- "don't be a Dutch hater"
I will love you always and 4 ever
Hugs and Kisses,
Pookie (Erica Volkman)
Added After Book was Made
I want to always remember:
- National Pookie Day - When Anth took me to a
Blink 182 concert for my birtday.
- Thinking Blair Witch was real
- How Anth frequently made me try to do push-ups for his entertainment
- When Anth would give my mom the rent every month, he first made her answer trivia questions
- When Anth first moved in and convinced me that
my moms large amount of daily vitamins were not
vitamins and that she had an addiction
- The Sunday after my 21st Birthday Anth and
I were trying to finish the keg and played a
board game called "passout".
I was red and we mistakenly thought all the pink
spaces were red so he had me drinking every two
- When Anth tried to convince me that his name was really Antonio Vincent
- When we were young and Anth wouldn't let me hang
up the phone until I sang "Teachers, Leave them
kids Alone."
- This past may we fought about me driving
him home and made everyone uncomfortable, then
making up during the drive and singing the whole
way to Bellevue. He told me I sang pretty good. I
kinda think that was a lie. haha.
- Anths whiney voice when he wanted something from me
- When I would do something dumb and he would throw
whatever was in his hands up in the air and walk
- Anth read in my diary when we were young about how much I wanted to ride the enterprise with him at kennywood
- Anth put Mr. Blankie (my baby blanket) in a head
lock and I broke his smokes and threw them out
my window
- When my cat Cinnamon was dying, it was late at night and Anth saw her fall over, then screamed for me. When I got down stairs he told me not to look.
- When I was following Anth somewhere in the car, and he knows I don't like driving places I dont know, so he would put the turn signal on the opposite way of which he was turning
- When Anth got his "dutch" tattoo, he didn't tell anyone that he was going to. I came home the one day and he showed me, I really didn't think it was real.
- When Anth rode to kennywood in the trunk of my
car because there wasnt enough room
- Anth letting me drive the Fiero, or anytime he was driving with me in it telling me we were gonna blow up and the engine was right behind my head
- When Anth had a peanut stuck in his braces for 2 days
- When Doner found something that looked like a worm in his tombstone pizza and we wanted to sue tombstone. Anth said that me and him get all the money because we bought it (when my mom obviously bought the groceries in the house.)
- When Anth hid a note in my room and told me I had to find it, I tore the room apart and accidentally broke the framed picture of tupac he bought me.
- Anth called me from a pay phone by St. Teresa school and told me he was lost and needed me to come get him, when really he was on the way to my house
- One summer night me and Anth were both still awake around 3am so he walked over, it took an hour, we stole some of my moms captian morgan and then made home videos of us talking.
- This past summer Anth and I rode around on my
quad for a pretty long time. He was very impressed
with my skills. The fun ended when we went down "the
extreme trail" and almost flipped. I was very scared.
He then took the quad out by himself and got lost
for a very long time, some random person rode up
to us and said "Are you missing your friend?" As
Anth scoots up behind him. It was too funny, he
was aggravated.
- Anths obsession with the movie Sea Biscuit (about the horse) - he made me watch it 4 or 5 times, and I know he watched it over 10 times.
- When I took Anth to Ohio with me and I talked
him into watching Pocahontas because I told
him there was a bloody war in it, they didn't
even fire a shot.
- Also on the trip to Ohio he accidentally
washed his hair with lotion instead of shampoo.
It was in big gross white chunks in his hair.
I think I washed it clean for him over the
tub cause he didnt wanna take another shower.
- Sitting around the fire at my new house,
talking about life the night of my 23rd b-day.
- I remember when Anth first picked up the habbit
of stealing everyones lighter. I think that it
had something to do with a fued between him and
Doner. I was very surprized that years later
after he moved out he still would have at least
6 different lighters in his pocket. Sometimes, if I was lucky, he would give me one to keep.
- There was a period of time when Anth and my
mom decided they liked their middle names better
so he called my mom Christine, and she called
him Vincent.
More to come, im sure....