I cant choose a favorite memory with Anth, they were all too fun. I will never forget when we would get home from school and watch full house, then call each other and play "full house trivia" haha, he never did answer the question that FINALLY got me victory! (How many steps are there from the livingroom to upstairs?), Our walks to his house from mine just talking and him pushing me into bushes, Our every other friday night pizza night while my parents were bowling, always helping me with english homework, trying to convince me that you have to stop at stop signs when you are walking. lol Sneeking away from school to smoke a cigarette and ALWAYS getting caught, my 21st bday, i was so excited that he came! I couldnt believe the look on my parents faces, it had been SO long since they had seen him, it felt really good, like old times. But most of all i will never forget all the advice he gave me, our long, late talks, He always made me laugh. I will really miss him, and i will never forget any memory i have with him.
Love you Anth!
Lisa Guenther