Where can I start with him? There were so many good memories of Anth.
The one that really stands out is the times he would always want me to
take my Mom's car when he knew I didn't have a license. But he would
just nag me and nag me till I took her keys. There are tons of things I can
think of that he always pressured me to do like drinking. I remember
where we were. It was at his house on Bronx and I do remember what kind
of beer, a Miller Lite can, and to this day it is my favorite beer of all.
Anthony was always there for me, just like I was for him. Me and him
had some crazy good times and some bad ones. But if there was one person
I could trust and depend on, he was it. Anth was truly one of my best friends,
if not the best friend I could have.
Anthony, I will always remember you as a good person, nothing less. I will
miss you deeply and will never forget, my boy, my friend, my brother.
Will miss and love you always
Love you Dude
Phillip Laboda AKA EARS