Me and Anth thought it would be a good idea to move a water bed from one room in his
house to the room across the hall. We also thought it would save us time if we didn't
drain the water first, so we got the water bed out of the frame, and started pushing it
through the door way (keep in mind this is a water bed and weighs at least 3-4 hundred
So we got it about half way through when we noticed a rip. We should have
expected that to happen. From that point on it was down hill! The bed was now stuck
in the doorway, ripped and leaking. We thought that duct tape would help, it didn't.
Nothing works and the leak was getting bigger and before we knew it, the bed exploded.
Water was flowing throughout his house and we were there with nothing but a fright-
ened look on our faces. We didn't know what to do so we called the fire dept. Within
5 min 5 fire trucks were there, all because we were too lazy to just drain the water.
Well I gotta say that was a great time! We laughed for days/weeks after that.
Ryan Doner