Timothy Michael Webb
Memories of Anth and I
1) When I put out a cig right on your Mom's carpet and we cut carpet from another spot
on the carpet and glued it on the burn spot. (7th grade)
2) Anth could make himself fart and he would do it all night and would make my Pap so
mad and I would laugh so hard I would be crying. (4th-5th grade)
3) Washington D.C. (6 th grade)
4) Volley ball team in gym in 9th grade. He hit Karry right in the face with a volley ball.
5) In like 6th grade we were trying to cross the creek in West View and we both had to
jump over it. It was middle of winter, it was freezing out. I jumped first and made it
right over. Anth started running and when he pushed off to jump the ground just
crumbled and he fell right in this freezing creek.
Tim Webb