On December 10, 1984 a beautiful bundle of joy was born to my wife Patty and I. It was one of the happiest days of our lives. The little knit hat that they put on newborn's only covered about two thirds of his head and none of his ear lobes. A Duffie trait. Luckily he grew on to them. Later he grew a lot of curls to hide them. He was our baby.
As a child Anth was a very good baby, very loving, but also very daring. As he got older he would try anything, especially if he was egged on by his 2 older brothers. Jumping off the top of the radiator because they told him he could fly like Superman was only the beginning. Another time his friends were playing in the woods and tried to be Tarzan and jump from tree to tree-that took 2 months to repair the hole in his leg where the tree limb went through.
Over the years Anthony was on a first name basis with every one at Allegheny General Emergency Room.
His doctor told us that Anthony had no fear, we told her that we already knew that. When he started to play football and hockey, naturally he played full throttle with no fear-more trips to Agh ER. When we would watch Steelers games hw would tell me what play they were going to run on that down-I was always amazed at how football smart he was.
I didn't get to spend much time with Anth these last few years and I realize how much I missed him but I've seen in these last few days that he was in good company with those who loved and cared for him.
Speaking for myself and the entire family-Thank you for your prayers and time to remember my son Anthony. I love you Anth-may you rest in peace.
Love, Dad | | |  |