All the memories I have of Anthony are very special times and I will always
Remember his smiling face.
- I remember first seeing him and how cute he was waiting for the Beattie bus
in the morning
- Being boyfriend and girlfriend
- Holding hands and being nervous to talk to him
- Erica's house
- We ended up better friends because we were too shy to talk to each other
- His EARS!
- Shooting pool (I always beat him!)
- Partying with him
- Him walking home at 4am from our house to Bellvue. He was scared no one
would be up in time to drive him to work. We all offered to drive him but he
thought it would be a good idea to walk like 20 miles.
I remember him always smiling and joking around with everyone and being ready
for a good time. And those are the times I will always remember.
Tracey Anick